First of all, people don't want to wear headsets all the time. First Person to Officially Transfer From the Main Grid to the Teen Grid: Malarthi Behemoth, has a sim named after him in teen grid: Behemoth.People talk big about the metaverse, but it's never going to become mainstream.Personal SL Blog Forum Link ABCnews Article First Person to Officially Transfer from the Teen Grid to the Main Grid: Armath Severine, 07/24/05.First NPC Avatar: Ben Linden ( Pony Linden, rideable pony avatar in Morris, avatar by Evangeline Suavage (heavily modified)) Forum Link: Pony Arrives At LL Offices Forum Link: Pony Animations.First Recorded Prim Hair: Mikiloo Murphy - Straight Spiked Mohawk in Beta ( Ming Chen now).Create Successful Collector Cards: Nicole Linden (with Blue Linden and Nigel Linden doing some texture and scripting work).Certified Adult on the Teen Gird: Barry GKid (Global Kids Leader) (Not including Lindens).Second Life Newspaper: Katt Kongo (Metaverse Messenger).Exceed Mach 0.5 in a vehicle: Huns Valen.SecondLIFE Magazine Cover Girl: Anshe Chung Click for Image.Land Holdings Exceeding 3 and then 10 Sims/Regions: Anshe Chung.Professional Model: Kathy Yamamoto (Received 200 Lindens for photo shoot for billboards advertising opening of first nude bar in DaBoom.).Mature Magazine: Marilyn Murphy (Players Magazine).Crash Whole Northern Continent (Color Sims): Christopher Omega.Reference Book In-World: Kathy Yamamoto (The Glossary).Winner of a SL hot Air-Baloon Race: Mickey Roark.Create/Offer/Deliver Non-Linden Public Class Schedule: Tcoz Bach.Avatar designer of RL book: Acedia Albion.Mentioned in Release Notes: James Miller.Mayor and Starter Of First Themed Comunity: Wednesday Grimm (Lindenburg, around 02/-/03).

Manager Of a Linden Build/Project: Dave Zeeman (Atlas Casino sometime arond 06/23/03).Held Top Of Leader Board For 7 Months: stampshady Grimm.Top Of Leader Board For All Categories: stampshady Grimm.Person To Coin The Term "Orbit": Bel Muse (with the weapon The Orbiter which launched people into SL "space").SL Photo Contest Winner: Sinatra Cartier.First SL Resident: On March 13th, 2002, the first Resident Steller Sunshine joined Second Life.